Group Meditation has gotten more popular in the last few years due to its profound benefits for mental and physical health being more shared throughout the internet. However, one aspect of meditation that’s often missing is these benefits don’t decrease when you meditate with a group; in fact, they increase. It’s a mindful practice that can be life-changing on its own. It has multiple benefits and when all of them are combined into one hour-long session with a roomful of people who are committed to achieving the same goal, you’ll find yourself with an even richer experience.
It’s no secret that group meditations are amazing. A group of two or more meditators can use the power of their collective consciousness to become a single, unified being. A meditation group, whether it’s a small group of 10 people or 40 people, can potentially unleash immense amounts of spiritual energy. In this post I discuss three reasons why group meditations are so powerful and efficient.
It’s Easier To Meditate In Group
To meditate alone, at home, you must be really disciplined or highly motivated, especially when you first begin. Anchoring your practice during a regular meeting with a group provides an additional incentive to develop a habit of meditation that will last.
Several people said they didn’t think they’d be able to meditate, much less withstand an hour of meditation. Every time, though, these hesitant people coming out from a group meditation are taken aback! They’re all shocked as to how time has passed so swiftly. The explanation is simple: we experience the actual richness of the present moment when we experience how time is tied to ourselves. Time flies by, much to our delight!
A Relief From Isolation And Depression
Most of us have been stuck indoors and socially isolated as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. But that shouldn’t stop us from organizing a group meditation with our friends or at least like-minded people, simply to commemorate the occasion. When we do return to normalcy, billions of individuals will be completely prepared and craving to interact socially. People will appreciate spending time outside as summer comes (and hopefully suppresses the virus) and this is a great opportunity to enjoy group meditations while making new friends.
Creates Stronger Relationships
People that practice group meditation more often usually say that they feel like their mind is more elevated, and their bonds with their friends or partners in meditation feel deeper and stronger than ever before. It is also a great addition to family activities if you can organize or be involved on a group meditation outdoors, as it’s very common for the fresh clean air and rich smells of a urban park to release and carry people through some difficult times. You may find that many seemingly insuperable barriers in your life will crumble and dissolve in the presence of a good meditation group surrounded by nature.
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“This book comes from joy.” With these words, Michael Lipson begins his offering, the fruit of many years of study and practice. Group Meditation is both a practical introduction to the power of meditation in groups and a challenging review of the meaning of meditation itself.
The proximity of other’s spiritual vibrations has the power of raising your own, and you can also be helpful to them. The law of invisible vibratory exchange of group magnetism raises the degree of Self-Realization of each member of the group when they meditate together. This is why meditating in the physical presence of others is infinitely more powerful than doing it alone or through a Zoom session. It is in the physical presence that we find more inspiration and enthusiasm, countering neglect and procrastination.
If you want to experience all the benefits of group meditation with your family or friends than you can reach me and book a Group Sound Bath Meditation!
It has primarily an intention to take you on an inner journey through your memory, heart and imagination. Deeply meditative and ceremonially honoring one’s self. Drift into a relaxed state of being, turning into expanded aspects of Self and allowing the tones, vibrations and energy to effortlessly flow in and around you.
In my Universal Harmony studio, you can experience how the sound combination of the gong, singing bowl and chimes create harmonic resonance that enhances and revitalizes energy. I often play uplifting tunes as participants surround themselves in beautiful instruments. Whether you’re looking for a partner, a group or to enjoy life fully as a single, these sessions provides enhanced awareness that impacts body, mind and spirit.
For a personalized session, you can schedule your appointment with me here.