Understanding the Energetic Shifts: The 8/8 Lion’s Gate and New Moon
Published on: August 6, 2024


Hello beautiful family! It is such an honor to get to share this blog post with you. I’m excited to connect with each and every one of you.

There’s so much going on energetically right now. Many of you are diligently doing The Great Work – spiritual clearings, physical cleansings, meditations and going through the spiritual alchemical processes. At the same time, I acknowledge that many of you are feeling tired and a bit wiped out, sometimes even sore. Let’s just take a moment to discuss the energy we are experiencing right now. This article will explore the implications of these energies and how we can harness them for personal growth and healing.

Current Energetic Shifts and Upcoming Astrological Events

There’s a lot of buzz in the air knowing that we are amidst the 888 (8-8-2024) Lion’s Gate. I want to bring a couple of perspectives on the energy we are experiencing right now, especially considering this new moon energy attached to it.

Understanding that we have our transition into the True Sidereal Sky Leo coming up, this period is crucial for us. We have our Leo Galactic Star coming up, and right in alignment with that, we are entering Mercury retrograde.

Many individuals are feeling drained and needing more rest. We are also coming to the tail end of our electric peak season. These were the electric waves and the vibrations coming through to disband a lot of the negative blockages and technologies that have been on the planet.

As we navigate through the current energetic landscape, it’s essential to recognize the significant shifts occurring. The upcoming 8/8 Lion’s Gate, coupled with the new moon, brings a unique opportunity for introspection and transformation. Many are feeling the weight of these energies, often resulting in fatigue and emotional strain.

The Importance of Self-Care During Energetic Shifts

During times of heightened energy, it is crucial to prioritize self-care. Many individuals are experiencing feelings of tiredness and emotional upheaval. Understanding that these sensations are part of the energetic process can help us navigate through them. Here are a few self-care practices to consider:

  • Rest when needed
  • Engage in nature walks
  • Practice meditation
  • Limit technology use
  • Connect with your inner self

Taking time to recharge is essential, especially as we approach significant astrological events. The new moon signifies a time for new beginnings, making it an opportune moment to reset our intentions and focus on what we truly desire.

The Energetic Landscape: New Moon and Lion’s Gate

The new moon, occurring alongside the Lion’s Gate, creates a powerful energetic environment. This period is often associated with manifestation and setting intentions. The Lion’s Gate, in particular, is a time when the energies are amplified, allowing for greater clarity and alignment with our true path.

As we approach these events, several astrological factors come into play. Mercury is transitioning into retrograde, which often brings about communication challenges and the need for reflection. It’s a time to reassess our goals and intentions, especially in light of the new moon.

Mercury Retrograde: A Time for Reflection

Mercury retrograde can be a challenging phase, but it also provides an opportunity for introspection. As this planet moves backward in its orbit, it encourages us to revisit past decisions and relationships. Here are some key points to keep in mind during this period:

  • Reevaluate your goals
  • Reflect on past experiences
  • Communicate clearly and thoughtfully
  • Be patient with misunderstandings

While it may feel frustrating at times, embracing this energy can lead to profound insights and personal growth. The new moon’s energy will support these reflections, allowing us to set clearer intentions moving forward.

Understanding the Lion’s Gate

The Lion’s Gate, occurring in full force on August 8th, is an astrological alignment that is believed to open a portal of energy. This gateway is associated with the energies of the Leo constellation and is known for its potential to amplify our intentions. Here’s what to focus on during the Lion’s Gate:

  • Set powerful intentions
  • Embrace creativity and passion
  • Connect with your inner strength
  • Engage in heart-centered activities

During this time, the universe encourages us to step into our power and express our true selves. The energies of the Lion’s Gate can help us align with our soul’s purpose and manifest our desires.

Embracing the Energy of Retreat

The new moon also encourages a sense of retreat and contemplation. As we prepare to enter this new phase, taking time to reflect and recharge is essential. The Gate 33, associated with this new moon, emphasizes the importance of retreat in order to gain clarity. Here are some ways to embrace this energy:

  • Spend time in solitude
  • Engage in creative practices
  • Journal your thoughts and feelings
  • Listen to nature

By allowing ourselves this time of quiet reflection, we open the door for deeper insights and understanding. This process can facilitate growth and help clear any obstacles that may stand in the way of our intentions.

The Role of Devotion in Energy Work

As we navigate these energetic shifts, devotion plays a significant role in aligning ourselves with our desires. Cultivating a sense of love and devotion toward the divine can help dissolve barriers that limit our growth. Here are some practices to enhance your sense of devotion:

  • Connect with your spiritual guides
  • Engage in prayer or meditation
  • Express gratitude daily
  • Visualize your intentions

By fostering this connection, we can enhance our ability to manifest and attract the energies we seek. Devotion acts as a guiding force, helping us remain aligned with our true purpose.

Integrating New Energies into Daily Life

As we experience these profound shifts, integrating the new energies into our daily lives is essential. Here are some strategies to help you navigate this process:

  • Establish a daily routine
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Stay grounded in your intentions
  • Connect with supportive communities

By actively participating in our spiritual journey, we can harness the power of these energies and create meaningful change in our lives. The combination of the new moon and Lion’s Gate provides a unique opportunity for transformation.

Final Thoughts on this Energetic Landscape

As we enter the 8/8 Lion’s Gate and new moon, remember to be gentle with yourself. Embrace the shifts and allow yourself the space to rest and recharge. The energies at play offer a chance for profound transformation, and by tuning into them, we can align with our true purpose.

In this time of energetic change, prioritize self-care, reflection, and devotion. By doing so, we can navigate the waves of energy with grace and clarity, emerging stronger and more aligned with our soul’s journey.


Holly Celestine profile practitioner sound healer

Hi, I’m Holly Celestine and I am a Licensed Vibrational Sound Therapy Practitioner on a mission to liberate and activate your highest human potential. In pursuit of avenues that bring the entire body into balance and harmony, I found that sound, vibration and frequency play a vital role in the symbiotic connection to our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. In addition to being a Licensed Vibrational Sound Therapy Practitioner, I’m certified in Biofield Tuning, Voice Analysis, Massage Therapy, Usui Reiki Master, and Bodytalk.

I use vibrational sound therapy for targeted nervous system relaxation to help people feel relief from their debilitating stress, anxiety, and chronic pain. I’m a life-long learner, ever evolving and consciously expanding into my best self, tuning into wholeness and balanced vibrations! Connect with me to amplify your highest expression using Sound Therapy.

In my Universal Harmony studio, you can experience how the sound combination of the gong, singing bowl and chimes create harmonic resonance that enhances and revitalizes your energy. By focusing on each of the seven chakras, the experience helps you connect more deeply with yourself and to Source energy. I often play uplifting tunes as participants surround themselves in beautiful instruments. Whether you’re looking for a partner, a group or to enjoy life fully as a single, these sessions provides enhanced awareness that impacts body, mind and spirit.

For a personalized session, you can schedule your appointment with me here.


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