Embodying Your Higher Self
Published on: March 18, 2024


As we wade into the fresh possibilities of a new year, it’s almost like a reflex to pause and contemplate the tapestry of the upcoming months. We ponder our aspirations, setting intentions for the journey ahead. For those of us who invest in personal growth and stay attuned to the subtle energies that whisper around us, there’s a profound sense of a door gently unfurling in the fabric of our existence. It’s as if the universe beckons us to step into our authentic selves—a chance to fully realize our potential.

Embodying Your Higher Self: The Journey to Authenticity and Connection

The past few years have been seismic in shifting perspectives. Waves of changes crashed against the shorelines of our lives, urging us to question our reality, relationships, and, at the very heart of it all—our identity. Each experience threaded through time points us toward one thing—authenticity. The quintessence of our being, the selves we incarnated as, in the tangible vessels of our bodies, amidst networks of families and friends, all seek alignment.

It’s in this dance between our daily grind to secure the means for living and the potent energy of our spiritual essence that many of us teeter on the brink of duality. The true warrior endeavors to weave their spiritual identity into the tapestry of life’s domains, living in full presence, achieving integration that enriches every facet of existence.

The key to this enigmatic door to self-discovery is not embedded in the far stretches of complex theories but rather in the simple act of presence. A practice steeped in the clarity of the present, coupled with an intimate understanding of our bodies and emotions, offers a trail to tread where observations replace reactions. Whether under the cosmic dance of full moons, eclipses, or the flux of life’s transitions, staying anchored in the present moment as an observer gifts us the vantage point to surf the waves of our universe with grace.

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Let’s delve into a practice designed to harness this pivotal opportunity in our cosmic journey, aiming to embody the powerful consciousness available to each of us. Envision your higher self, a repository of potent wisdom, guiding your existence from the confines of energetic realms into the domain of the tangible world. Living through the eyes of this higher self reshapes our interactions with the cosmos, the matrix we navigate, and syncs a tune to the melody of our truest aspirations.

As we find ourselves at a crossroads, with choices spiraling into our consciousness, cultivating neutrality and observation is paramount. The grooves of repetitive patterns may feel comforting, yet they trace back to a matrix veiled in karmic contracts and cyclical dramas. Severing ties to ancient stories, to dimensions of selves scattered across planes, sets the stage to transcend matrix living.

Getting Out Of The Matrix

This path out of the matrix—the comfort zones, patterns, and programs—is yours to travel. It’s a journey to recognize when you slip into victimhood or a space marred by suffering and to take the reins of your authenticity. Questions, like waves, lap at the shores of consciousness: When will we cease replaying outdated scripts? When will we pivot from relentless cycles and taste the sweetness of change?

So, this week, take the challenge. Step into the observer’s shoes and assess your knee-jerk responses, the fears that twirl in the quiet of the night, and the emotions that color your world. Reframe your perspective to discern whether you’re acting out an old play or scripting a narrative of genuine emotions and reactions.

If you’ve embarked on the path of self-discovery recently, you might find echoings of these sentiments on these life-altering practices. Are we prepared to personify the highest version of ourselves or shall we linger in the labyrinth of the old?

Consider an image: our collective consciousness, like fibers of a carpet blanketing the globe, each thread entwined yet distinct—each one of us, an elemental consciousness, mired in an illusion of limitations. Recognizing ourselves as the most advanced biotechnology in this matrix positions us to shed burdens, transcend emotional weights, and dismantle beliefs that consign us into powerlessness.

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I invite you this week to focus on embodying your higher self. Let’s aim to reconnect, realign, and stand ready to navigate life from a place of observation, free from the entanglements of cyclical patterns.

Guided Practice

With this intention set, we embark on a meditation aimed at inviting our higher selves into our physical realm, balancing and rekindling our cores. This practice, a mixture of connecting with the body and severing energy cords, brings forth the resilience necessary to flourish and heal within and without.

Let’s begin this transformative practice. Inhale deeply… and let the journey to embodying your higher self unfold.


  • Through vibrant visualizations from the grounding core of Earth to the golden cosmos above, picture your protective energy emanating resilience and nurturing. Encapsulate your being in this energetic cocoon, and turn inwards, communicating intimately with each cell, scanning for imbalances, and embracing your spine as the conduit for vitality and conscious removal of blockages.
  • Imagine guiding this energy up through your spine, past the neck, and into the very center of your brain. It’s an exhilarating experience, one that may rush through you like a welcoming wave of warmth.
  • At the heart of your mind lies the pineal gland, a small yet mighty center where we will focus our cleansing efforts. Visualize turning on a light within this space, illuminating and purifying any stagnation or unwanted energy. As you breathe deeply, exhale with the intention of eradicating any programming that no longer serves your highest good.
  • Sitting comfortably, sense the change in your body: a gentle warmth spreading from your spine to the top of your head. You may feel tired, or yawn – natural responses to releasing burdens. Be aware, too, that sneezes or coughs might signal an external attempt to disturb your peace. Protect your space diligently.
  • As we continue our reflective state, turn your thoughts to recent events that sparked anxiety or sadness. It’s crucial to acknowledge these emotional triggers, reviewing your past week to gain insight into recurring patterns and the emotions entwined with them.
  • Caught in challenging moments, inquire within: is your higher self at the helm, or is another aspect of your being steering your reactions? This self-observation provides a powerful platform for introspection and growth, asking you what must change to align more fully with your higher self’s wisdom.
  • With newfound understanding, bathe yourself in the color of unconditional love. Imagine a healing wave enveloping you, transforming all felt emotions, allowing a refreshed perspective to emerge.
  • Now, envision those from your recent engagements—a crowd of silhouettes—and sever the energetic cords that bind you. Reclaim your life force, feeling lighter as you do. This symbolic act promotes balance and clarity.
  • To maintain equilibrium, visualize each chakra, from the root to the crown, recalibrating to a state of harmony. This act of re-centering enhances your perception and affirms your sovereign space.
  • Reach higher, past the physical chakras, and connect to those that extend into the cosmos. Activating these esoteric energy centers empowers you to embody your higher self with each breath you take.


Closing and Invitation

As you open your eyes, carry with you the alignment and poise you’ve nurtured. Approach your day with heightened awareness, choosing how to interact within each experience from a place of higher vibrational frequency.

As we close this guided exploration, remember that the grandest of transformations often begin with the most fundamental steps. The power to rise into your highest self resides in the seemingly mundane moments—the grounding breaths, the protective shields, and the heartfelt intention to heal from within.

If questions have stirred within you, if curiosity beckons, or if the ardor to continue this journey into the realms of elevating consciousness entices, I invite you to reach out to me, for in unity and exchange, we grow. I hope this meditation offers you solace and guidance.


Holly Celestine profile practitioner sound healer

Hi, I’m Holly Celestine and I am a Licensed Vibrational Sound Therapy Practitioner on a mission to liberate and activate your highest human potential. In pursuit of avenues that bring the entire body into balance and harmony, I found that sound, vibration and frequency play a vital role in the symbiotic connection to our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. In addition to being a Licensed Vibrational Sound Therapy Practitioner, I’m certified in Biofield Tuning, Voice Analysis, Massage Therapy, Usui Reiki Master, and Bodytalk.

I use vibrational sound therapy for targeted nervous system relaxation to help people feel relief from their debilitating stress, anxiety, and chronic pain. I’m a life-long learner, ever evolving and consciously expanding into my best self, tuning into wholeness and balanced vibrations! Connect with me to amplify your highest expression using Sound Therapy.

In my Universal Harmony studio, you can experience how the sound combination of the gong, singing bowl and chimes create harmonic resonance that enhances and revitalizes your energy. By focusing on each of the seven chakras, the experience helps you connect more deeply with yourself and to Source energy. I often play uplifting tunes as participants surround themselves in beautiful instruments. Whether you’re looking for a partner, a group or to enjoy life fully as a single, these sessions provides enhanced awareness that impacts body, mind and spirit.

For a personalized session, you can schedule your appointment with me here.


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