Since emotional blockages affect us in the various layers of our multidimensional body, the closer they are to the body the more physical they get and the more effect they have in our everyday life. As an example, if we have an accumulated state of fear for a long period of time, we are going to start feeling fear as a part of our personality and in how we are perceiving reality. It basically works as a filter on how we look at the world outside of us, and the perception we have about ourselves, like a screen of the projection of the hologram.
Our multidimensional body is where this matrix hologram is being projected and we are actually the projector of the hologram. This means that ultimately we can also control what we are inputting into our experience as long as we are conscious and aware. Emotional mastering and emotional freedom is the most direct way in changing the events that are occurring in our lives. Anything that we begin to judge or fear or having heavy emotions about is basically what we are projecting and magnifying into our human experience.
Surface And Root Emotions
Most of the times we have the wrong notion that feelings, sensations and emotions are only present in that moment when we become triggered with certain circumstances, whereas as soon as they come up we think that’s all there is to the experience. But actually emotions themselves are multilayered databanks of information. As we uncover those layers we can go into the primary, secondary, tertiary and more levels of those emotions and what we can discover by going deep into these layers is actually a wealth of information that can be very useful in the way we govern our lives.
We need to understand how we are utilizing our past experiences, cyclical and ancestral traumas, in order to program ourselves and get information that our brain is accessing, like files that we pull from and then apply to events occurring at any given moment. The human being is in this manner just like a computer, we are all programmable and most of the reactions we have are mechanical when we are not aware of ourselves. This is when most of the time we as individuals and as a collective don’t even know how we have ended up in the circumstances we find ourselves in.
There are two primary emotions that all humans are constantly navigating from. One is fear and the other is love. These are the dualistic emotional expressions that are at the root of the spectrum of emotions that we are capable of experiencing. If we keep in mind that all emotions root down into these two emotions by uncovering or unpacking all of them, we learn how we’ve become programmed, because the way we process emotions is the way that our belief systems influence the way that our trigger processes occurs.
How To Take Control Of Your Life
In its most optimal condition, the connection with ourselves is supposed to meet a congruency between our feelings, intentions, what we are speaking and acting through behaviors. All of these dynamics that are inputting into the system of creation should allow clarity in our intention of life and whatever we are putting into our experience. When we are aware of this no longer we react mechanically and think how that is just the normal way of being, and that we just have to cope with the way we react to things.
If you begin to review your life or even only in the past 24 hours, you can begin seeing that there’s certain emotions that you mostly feel throughout your day. Most often than not these are the same as what you’ve been feeling in the last week, month, or even last year. These emotions that we continue to feel become a basis to the foundation of what makes up our personality, which is basically a projection of the ego and all the programs that make up our belief systems.
Our coping mechanisms can be anything, from the food that we’re eating to other detrimental choices we make in our lives, to fear itself and a plethora of different social anxieties. Our entire personality can become a coping mechanism itself, mostly programmed as a result of traumatic experiences that happened in childhood. Even in the womb, the emotions we felt then and there together with the emotions our mother and father felt while they were around in our gestation process are immediate factors to program the way we feel about our existence and the kind of perception we are going to have about the feminine and masculine spectrum of emotions.
What would happen if we would be completely aware, conscious of ourselves, our emotions, how are we feeling in every moment of the day? It would translate into a completely different quality of life once we get in control of it.
Understanding The Healing Process
In regards to the layers of our multidimensional body, the closer emotional blockages are to the physical body the easier it is to also access them. This is the key to coming into a state of ultimate manifestation, mastering the present moment, healing the body, tuning into our intuition in order to guide and move us into the next phase in our lives. So how can we unpack and understand where our emotional blockages come from?
For most of us there is an hierarchy to the way we perceive things, from the micro to the macro, and there are emotions that link to those perceptions as well. Likewise, the work of clearing blockages from surface to root emotions can be simplified in the same manner. As an example, when we go into the fight or flight state, there are a series of emotions attached to its dynamics, and the idea is to understand how we are reacting to things and what is the layer and the root of emotions we are honing in.
It is in this understanding that we can heal ourselves and create an opportunity for each generation to be free from cyclical ancestral traumas. Working with surface and root emotions means that we are getting to the root cause of why we feel the way that we feel in our everyday life, why we feel so strong emotions and limitations and live such concurrent themes that block, constricts and makes us feel unworthy.
Healing ancestral traumas before conception would be the most ideal scenario, since everything in our genetic makeup is being passed down into a new child. But at any moment we can be able to see ourselves as more than just the story that was handed to us, and that we are more than just victims of things occurring to us.
In the next article titled Emotional Mastering we will go through a meditational practice so that you can begin unveiling some of those emotional blockages and hopefully over time you will get better at it and even develop your own practice, so be sure to not miss it out and give it a read!
Hi, I’m Holly Celestine and I am a Licensed Vibrational Sound Therapy Practitioner on a mission to liberate and activate your highest human potential. In pursuit of avenues that bring the entire body into balance and harmony, I found that sound, vibration and frequency play a vital role in the symbiotic connection to our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. In addition to being a Licensed Vibrational Sound Therapy Practitioner, I’m certified in Biofield Tuning, Voice Analysis, Massage Therapy, Usui Reiki Master, and Bodytalk.
I use vibrational sound therapy for targeted nervous system relaxation to help people feel relief from their debilitating stress, anxiety, and chronic pain. I’m a life-long learner, ever evolving and consciously expanding into my best self, tuning into wholeness and balanced vibrations! Connect with me to amplify your highest expression using Sound Therapy.
In my Universal Harmony studio, you can experience how the sound combination of the gong, singing bowl and chimes create harmonic resonance that enhances and revitalizes your energy. By focusing on each of the seven chakras, the experience helps you connect more deeply with yourself and to Source energy. I often play uplifting tunes as participants surround themselves in beautiful instruments. Whether you’re looking for a partner, a group or to enjoy life fully as a single, these sessions provides enhanced awareness that impacts body, mind and spirit.
For a personalized session, you can schedule your appointment with us here.